
Our roadmap outlines the path to realizing the full potential of the Arkenstone project.

Stage 1 - Arkenstone Forge

  • $ARKN Announcement: The journey begins with the announcement of the $ARKN Token, setting the stage for what’s to come.

  • Token Creation & Audit: The creation of $ARKN Tokens is followed by a thorough audit to ensure transparency and security.

  • Launch Communities: Building vibrant communities around Arkenstone to foster engagement and collaboration.

  • Smart Contract & Payment Solution Development: Developing smart contracts and payment solutions to enable seamless transactions.

  • Branding and Marketing: Establishing a strong brand identity and implementing marketing strategies to spread awareness.

  • Explore more Use-Cases: Continuously exploring and expanding the potential applications of Arkenstone beyond its initial scope.

Stage 2 - Arkenstone Unveiling

  • Private Presale Launch of $ARKN: The $ARKN Token enters its private presale phase, offering exclusive opportunities to early supporters.

  • Qualify for Airdrop and Bonus: Participants in the presale have the chance to qualify for Airdrops and receive a $ARKN bonus.

  • Development of $ARKN Staking: Working on $ARKN Staking to provide holders with additional earning opportunities and incentivize long-term investment.

  • Advertisement and Giveaways: Increasing visibility through targeted advertisements and conducting giveaways to reward community members.

  • Influencer Collaborations: promote Arkenstone, leveraging it´s reach and credibility to increase awareness and attract a wider audience to the project.

Stage 3 - Arkenstone Rising

  • Public Presale and Price Increase of $ARKN: The $ARKN Token becomes available to the public during the presale phase, accompanied by a potential increase in price as demand grows.

  • 3,6% Price Surge per 24h

  • GemDropper: Development of the GemLaunch Suite Airdrop module "GemDropper"

  • Influencer Collaborations: Continue engaging multiple influencers to expand our reach, enhancing visibility and attracting a diverse audience.

  • Marketing: Implementing strategic marketing campaigns to raise awareness, drive engagement, and grow the Arkenstone community.

  • Development of GemLaunch Suite: Creating GemLaunch ICO Suite with tools and services for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) based on the $ARKN ecosystem.

Stage 4 - Arkenstone Refinement

  • $ARKN Launch and Claim: Official launch of the $ARKN Token, allowing participants to claim their tokens.

  • Launch of Staking: Introducing staking functionalities for $ARKN holders to earn rewards.

  • Bonus Token Distribution: Distributing bonus Tokens to reward early supporters and incentivize further engagement.

  • NFT Distribution: Distributing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as part of promotional activities and community engagement.

  • $ARKN Listing on DEX: Listing $ARKN on decentralized exchanges (DEX) to increase accessibility and liquidity.

  • Finalization of GemLaunch ICO Suite: Continuously enhancing and finalize the GemLaunch Suite to provide robust, user-friendly tools for token creation and management.

  • Expanding Team: Growing the Arkenstone team to accommodate the project’s expanding scope and demands.

Stage 5 - Arkenstone Enchantment

  • Increased Staking Rewards: Enhancing staking rewards to further incentivize participation.

  • Airdrops: Conducting airdrops using the GemDropper to distribute tokens to existing holders or new community members.

  • Coin Gecko and Coin Market Cap Listing

  • CEX Listings: Listing $ARKN on centralized exchanges (CEX) for increased exposure and trading opportunities.

  • Announce New Use-Cases: Introducing new use-cases and applications for $ARKN to expand its utility and value proposition.

  • Release of a $ARKN based ICO Suite: Launching the comprehensive GemLaunch ICO Suite with tools and services for conducting ICOs within the Arkenstone ecosystem.

As Arkenstone progresses through its roadmap, it aims to enchant all who join its journey, bestowing wealth and prosperity upon its holders. For the latest updates and developments, visit the Arkenstone website.

Last updated